Mushroom grower supplies
Mushroom Supply carries a full line of supplies: For Delivery or Pick Up
- 12 Point Phase 2 Digital Temperature Box
- BioMats
- Black Diamond Rechargeable Head Lamps
- Calcium Chloride
- Chemicals and Pesticides
- CO2 Meters
- Compost Tec Compost Covers
- Filters - Filter media, box filters
- Fly Monitors, fully assembled
- Humidification Systems
- Hose & Hose Ends
- Organic alternatives to chemicals - OxiDate, TerraClean, StorOx and SaniDate
- Peat Moss
- Picking Lights 6-8', custom made and light weight
- Picking Light Bulbs, 4-6-8'
- Probes- digital hand held
- Safety Wear - protective clothing, boots, masks, gloves & eye protection
- Sanitizers and Detergents - NutriClean
- Spawn & Supplement
- Squeegees - Food grade & heavy duty 18-24" straight or curved
- Tangle Trap- Fly paper & replacement parts
- Thermocouples - 60-200'
- Work Wear - Ironclad Performance Wear - work wear and gloves